The Barton County Historical Society maintains a museum in the basement of the historic Barton County Courthouse. Information is available from their archives by calling the volunteer staff and requesting a search. The information is free, but donations are accepted to help provide information to historians, genealogists, and those interested in the history of Barton County.
Other historical highlights on the Square include a Civil War Cannon dedicated in 1910 and a bandstand built in 1913 on the northwest corner of the courtyard. In 1950, a 17-foottall replica of the Statue of Liberty statue was erected as a gift to the community from the county’s school children. A Truman Memorial was placed at the base of the west courthouse steps to commemorate Harry S Truman’s Vice-Presidential acceptance speech in 1944.
Barton County Historical Society
1004 Gulf St
Lamar, MO 64759
Barton County Historical Society
Open Monday - Friday • 1pm to 4pm
Phone: (417) 682-4141
Basement of the Barton County Courthouse
Entrance is on the North East corner