Barton County Historical Society

The Barton County Historical Society maintains a museum in the basement of the historic Barton County Courthouse. Information is available from their archives by calling the volunteer staff and requesting a search. The information is free, but donations are accepted to help provide information to historians, genealogists, and those interested in the history of Barton County.

Barton County Historical Society - Basement of Courthouse - Lamar MissouriOther historical highlights on the Square include a Civil War Cannon dedicated in 1910 and a bandstand built in 1913 on the northwest corner of the courtyard. In 1950, a 17-foottall replica of the Statue of Liberty statue was erected as a gift to the community from the county’s school children. A Truman Memorial was placed at the base of the west courthouse steps to commemorate Harry S Truman’s Vice-Presidential acceptance speech in 1944.

Barton County Historical Society

1004 Gulf St
Lamar, MO 64759


Barton County Historical Society

Open Monday - Friday • 1pm to 4pm

Phone: (417) 682-4141

Basement of the Barton County Courthouse

 Entrance is on the North East corner

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